Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24th ...afternoon at the pond..

The puppies are being

taught some basic manners.

When we are snacking or eating ,

they are not allowed to jump

up on us. We say ' off ' and gently

push them back down. When they are

back down with all fours on the floor

they are given quiet praise (to enthusiastic

and it will bring them right back up again).

When they are sitting quietly with

out jumping up, they

are given more praise and ocassioinally

a small treat. They are so bright and have gotten

the concept down quite well. But it has taken

many times in getting it across.

Sometimes, 20

times of positive reinforcement to get

the idea across. At some point this will go

to off and into your bed, or off and into

the other room while we are eating /

snacking. Our dogs have been trained

to go into the other room while we are

eating. Their feet can not touch the kitchen

floor, but only the floor in the hallway or livingroom.

It did not happen over night. I can't tell you how

many times that I had to get up from the kitchen

table and go over and place them back where I wanted

them. My command is ' in the other room'.

Consistancy and positive reinforcement do pay off.

But it has to be done each and every time.....

We are feeding the pups individually, one at a time.

We are now initiating the ' wait ' command.

I hold the pup in a standing position for

now. I say wait and use a sweeping hand motion

in front of them. I hold them in place while Fred

puts the food dish in front of them, I wait two seconds

and then release them to eat with an "OK". The time

will increase gradually, and they will be changing from a

stand to a sit and a down.

The next three pictures

show the kids getting

ready to take their

mid morning nap...

After the nap we took

a long run on our trails

out back with all six dogs.

A kodak moment happened...

and guess where the

camera the

house of course.

I saw Leeya casting

in earnest, with the Skye

and Jazz following suit.

Next thing we know they

had pointed and flushed

up two hen turkeys with

their little ones.

Right after Indy, Cooper, and

Grayson were scenting right

along with the big dogs...

They were all hot after their

run, so we took them across

to the pond. What a fun place!!

Indy crossing the bridge...and splashing..swimming.

Cooper splashing/swimming...!

Grayson swimming....nice !!

Just watching the big dogs as they

run and swim....!

Cooper and Grayson in the back..

Miss Indy

Cooper and Indy

Uncle Skye licking his paw...!

Cooper and Indy

Heads or tails ???

The boys going one way,,,,Indy the other..!

They love the tall grass.. The jungle..Grayson...!

Cooper and Grayson

Cooper hiding...! or so he thinks...

Leeya with Cooper and Grayson...!

Running with the big dogs..

Cooper running down the


...with ears flying !!

waiting for Grayson and Indy..

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