I thought it might be a good
idea to start another blog
showing my progression in
training Indy. She is definitely
going to be a challenge for me.
For those of you that
have never had a
dog before or never owned
a Weimaraner, I thought it
might be helpful. At the
same time if any
one is having any
particular training issues
or concerns, you can email
them to me. I can answer them
on the blog, and they may be
something that is a concern
for someone else as well.
Remember...you decided
to get a high energy breed.
They demand a commitment
in time and energy on your
part. I have mentioned before
that we have trails on our
property and our dogs
are run at least once a
day. In the winter, if it is
above 20 they get their run.
When there is snow on
the ground....and we get snow,
we don the snowshoes.
In the mile or two that
we may walk, the dogs will run
this way and that maybe
going three miles. Just went
for a run out with the big
dogs and Indy and Grayson.
The pups had no problem
keeping up with the big dogs.
Puppies have energy
to spare. When we got
back from the run, we let everyone
have a few laps of water, and than
let them cool down before they
get anymore than that.
You pup will need one or
two good walks a day on
leash, or run on trails.
Or if you want
to train them to a tread mile,
that is another good way to
run off the energy. This method
needs a lot of treats and positive
reinforcement from the very beginning.
They start out at a slow walk and
and work their way up to a trot.
This is the best gait for exercising
on a tread mill. 20 minutes twice
a day would be a good routine as an
adult. Initially a puppy maybe five minutes
twice a day so they feel comfortable
with it. The bony epiphysis need to
fuse first, so there is no damage
to the long bones. A good routine
for an adult could start at 18 mos.
I will post the training blog
when I initiate it.
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