Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sept 20th

Just a few pics of the

two relaxing. They are

so smart and learning

things so fast. It is fun to

give them a commnad

and just wait, give them

a little time,

and you see the light

bulb go on.....they just

figured out what you

expect them to do....

Sunny just taking life easy..!

...and of course, where there is Sunny...Indy is

not far behind..!

Time out for some chewing...Sunny

...and Indy....!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Fling is being started

on birds. And looks

very proud of her


Uncle Blaze is showing

her how to step out

with the bird. What

a gorgeous boy !!

Angela has also been

initiating some tracking

and puppy agility classes

with Fling. What a fun

time this little girl

is having...!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Zach haa a wonderful

home where he is

already practicing

puppy agility.

He has taken over

Zoey's girly bed...poor

Zoey. But don't

worry Zoey, he will

be too big for it

soon enough

Dad seems to

have a very soft

spot for the little

fellow, as well as the

rest of the family.

Lucky Zach !!

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12th...What's for dinner ??

Frog legs ??

very tasty...


Brown Bear...

They both agree....

frog legs...!

Monday, September 8, 2008

September 9th..

One sleeps

while the other

one...guess who???

has to be busy

chewing on her

chewy bone.

They only have

these kind of

rawhide chews

when I can watch them.

They can get very

sticky and cause them

to choke..

September 6th,...

The puppies are growing

in leaps and bounds...and

have boundless energy.

Grayson is not going to

a home now in Maryland.

The couple decided he

would not fit into their

lifestyle. So he now has

a new and permanent name

He is Creekside N Zara's

Tequila Sunrise....AKA..

Sunny. And he is all of

that, a bright loving and, OH

SO, Sunny a disposition. He is

looking for a permanent and

loving home as well...

Here is Pal..everybody friend,....Indy,

Sunny and Leeya..

Leeya playing with Indy, as

Sunny watches...

Leeya and Indy

Leeya, Indy and Sunny

always ready

to see if the snack

bar has been refilled...!

Sunny playing with Mom,

as Indy attacks

from the rear...!

Indy with their

new toy..

Sunny getting ready

to jump

on sis..Indy..

Leeya watching as Sunny..

.plays with


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3rd, 2008...Grayson, Indy and Leeya

Leeya with Indy

and Grayson..

Having a fun run with

the big dogs...!

Miss Indy

Mr Grayson


Indy with new collar.

Isn't she pretty?

Indy and Grayson....chewing

on that delectable piece of grass...

Time out for wrestling.

Indy with a favorite toy.

Very well chewed, as

you can see...

Indy using Leeya as a ladder

to check out a branch...leaf...bug ?????

Mom and Miss Indy checking out the flower garden...

One more step and she was under and in the garden.

Do you think she might do some weeding for me...? NOT !!!

Cute little butt !!