Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Carole and her gang..Friend's, Moxie and Zoe.. and Ingrid who was already visiting..

We had the pleasure

this month of having

Carole Richards and

her grey gang come

for a weeks visit.

What fun we all

had, especially Ingrid

who was also

vacationing at

'Camp Creekside'

We went to the beach

0ne day, we saw how

honed their hunting

skills were....and just

plain ....had fun !!!!

Friend' collar

Zoe....Blue collar

Moxie...Red collar and blue floral

Moxie rolling

in the sand,

.and Ingrid



Moxie, Friend'z


ning on the



"Queen of the Rock"

Friend'z and

Friend'z with toy..

Zoe eating a fish..
.Moxie and

Ingrid far right.
.and of course .
.Grandma Jean

Ingrid stood on the beach

for a while and watched. It was

only a minute or two before

she was in the water swimming...

Ingird and Friend'z


Moxie and Ingrid

Ingird being stacked by

Tracy Duff.

Very pretty girl !!!!

Ingrid standing in the


Ingrid's first exposure to

birds was at 7 wks. We planted

two homing pegions and she

showed her natural instincts..

TWO beautiful points...

What fun to watch..........

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ingrid, Fling and Blue

Ingrid, Creekside's Heaven Sent, is

spending some time with us while

her family is on vacation

We are loving it...nothing like

a puppy around.

She, Indy and Montana are

the three Musketeers.

Ingrid has the pink collar on

Indy no collar, and Montana Blue.

Fling's Newest title !!

Fling received her Open Agility

Jumpers title..8 7 '10.

Congratulations Angela and Fling...!!!!!

Your Creekside family is very proud.

While Creekside's Little Boy Blue's

family was visiting a waterfun/theme

park, we got to have Blue here with us.

He is a solid big boy with a sweet and fun

temperament. He has the Blue collar on..

Time to run and play

Shade is good
on a hot day..!

L to R..Indy, Montana,
Blue and Jazz